Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jeremy Lin Will NOT Be Named As A Replacement In The ASG

David Aldridge sits down with NBA Commissioner with David Stern in an interview that can be seen HERE.
"It's a phenomenon that's fascinating to watch." - David Stern on Lin-Sanity
They discuss the compressed schedule, the impact it has on the NBA players, metrics, revenue sharing plan, New Orleans Hornets, but most importantly ...
Lin-Sanity (which is in the process of being copyrighted by Jeremy)
Yesterday, it was learned that Joe Johnson may miss the All-Star Game, and the WORLD, most namely the New York Knick fanbase were having theatrics that Jeremy Lin should be named
Yes! Jeremy Lin over Rajon Rondo??
Yes! Jeremy Lin over Josh Smith??
I've been Lin-Sane as much as the next person, but common sense prevails!
David Stern has SAVED US as he comments about the Lin to the All-Star Game talk:  
"On the basis of 9 to 10 games, I don't think so." - David Stern
Until next time,
Mrs. NBA

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